‘Righteous’ but Useless?

Proverbs 25:26-‘Like a trampled spring and a polluted well, is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked’.

Water is essential to our survival and all other living things on this planet, but water that is contaminated by heavy metals, animal waste run-off or other pollutants turns that otherwise life-sustaining substance into something virtually useless for human consumption, unless those contaminants are somehow removed.

Solomon appears to be declaring that it is possible for a man to be a ‘righteous’ man, perhaps a Godly man, and thus otherwise a very good man, but somehow remain ‘useless’. How could this be so? Such a righteous man is presumably not intentionally polluting the minds and lives of others! Solomon says even a righteous man can be ‘useless’ in at least one major way-he gives way, or gives in to, falls down before , yields or defers to the wicked. [various translations]. In other words he caves, craters and fails to resist or stand against the evil he observes or by which he is confronted.

When Job was attempting to justify himself before his ‘friends’, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, he recited his actions to assist or protect others from trouble or abuse: “…I delivered the poor who cried for help, and the orphan who had no helper…I broke the jaws of the wicked and snatched the prey from his teeth” [Job 29:12,17]. Job pictures himself as a deliverer, a rescuer of someone captured by the wicked, like captured prey. Job certainly did view himself as ‘righteous’ before God but did not view himself as living a useless life!

Jesus said: “You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men” [Matt 5:13]. Salt has historically been of critical use in preserving food, especially meat, as well of course, for enhancing the taste of food. Sometimes in ancient times it has even been used as a medium of exchange. Frankly, I am unsure how salt can become ‘tasteless’, unless it has become masked by other and stronger flavors, or our taste buds have lost the ability to sense the presence of salt. Have the ‘stronger flavors’ of the world displaced us Christians? Has the world lost the sense of our presence?

Salt and Light

Our Lord also refers to His followers as ‘light’ [vs 14]. Sun light enables us to find our way during the day, and artificial light [including moon light] enables us to find our way in the dark. In either case light shows us the way-it shows the pathway to reality. Jesus said we are not to ‘hide our light but allow it to shine’ so as to help show others how to find and become followers of ‘The Way’. “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” [Matt 5:16]. We are not to participate in ‘good works’ to be seen, known, or commended by others [see Matt 6:1-4] but so that others will glorify our Father and not us. The Pharisees considered themselves ‘righteous’ but our Lord condemned them for their attention to ceremonial washings when their own hearts were full of ‘greed and evil’ [Lk 11:39] and they ignored more important issues like ‘justice and the love for God’ [vs 42]. He also rebuked the ‘experts in the law’ for ‘loading people with burdens that are hard to carry but those same lawyers would not lift a finger to help-in one sense they were also ‘useless’ [Lk 11:46].

Useful Virtues

The apostle Peter says that if we possess and are growing in certain character qualities or virtues namely diligence, moral virtue, knowledge [of God], self control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love, we will be neither useless or unfruitful [II Peter 1:5-8]. Possessing those qualities/virtues will not result in our being a hermit, but will be the source of motivation to render service to others and the Kingdom of God.

For Such a Time as This

The story of Esther powerfully exemplifies a person willing to risk her standing, status, and even her life, before the King in order to intercede for her people, the Jews, to help them escape the decree of their destruction deceitfully obtained by Haman. Her relative and mentor, Mordecai messaged her in light of her hesitancy to act saying: “If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows, whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this”? [Esther 4:13-14]. Esther determined to ‘not give way before the wicked‘ and fasted and then acted to appeal to the king for her people, knowing that it might cost her her very life, saying ” I will go to the king, which is not according to the law, [i.e. not permitted] and if I perish, I perish“. [4:16].

Admittedly, few, if any of us, will have such a dramatic opportunity to bring about the deliverance of a nation, or group of people. But we can act on behalf of, and speak up and for the needy, those walking in darkness, the oppressed, the lowly and alien by offering practical help and protection, as well as being a light to them, and a preservative of truth, and via our character, prompt them to glorify our Father and therein perhaps become thirsty to seek Him. In so doing we will be neither ‘useless or unfruitful’.

Are you ‘righteous’ but useless? Are there any opportunities to stand against evil that you are ignoring? Have you considered that perhaps you are living for ‘just such a time as this’? Perhaps you feel you can’t do much, due to your health status, age or position in life, you are overwhelmed as it is, with child rearing, work, and other important responsibilities. But surely you can pray! …”For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful, for the destruction of fortresses [II Cor 10:3-4]. “The effective prayer of a righteous man [or woman] can accomplish much” [James 5:16]. Fortresses of evil are being increasingly constructed across our land and the world. Can you begin or increase the time you spend exercising your ‘knee bending’ before our Majesty’s throne? Have you stagnated, or are you ‘all out’ working together with the Spirit, in pursuing the qualities described by Peter[II Peter 1:5-8], resulting in your being even more useful in the Kingdom of God?


One Comment

  1. Avatar Cuiping Zhang said:

    I loved the questions “Have the ‘stronger flavors’ of the world displaced us Christians? Has the world lost the sense of our presence?” and “Can you begin or increase the time you spend exercising your ‘knee bending’ before our Majesty’s throne? ” What godly reminders! May the Lord live in us followers so that we are both righteous and useful.

    October 31, 2021

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