Is Obedience the Pathway to Loving God? Or…



In John 14:21 Jesus says: “He who has my commandments and keeps [obeys] them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by my father, and I will love him and disclose myself to him” [NASB]. Is this a description of one who currently loves Christ, or is obedience a prescription on how to get there? It appears that Jesus is making a simple straightforward statement–those who are [already] obeying Him ARE the ones who love Him.  This seems to say that obeying Christ follows loving Him, i.e., obeying Him is the result of loving Him. This is different than saying ‘if I focus on obeying Him, love for Him will somehow follow.’

Jesus further stated in vs. 23 and 24: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep [obey] my word; and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our abode with himHe who does not love Me does not keep my words..”  Earlier in John 14 vs 15, Jesus says: “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.” The same gospel writer, John wrote in his first letter: “For this is the love of [i.e. for] God, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome.” [I John 5:3]

It seems then, that obedience to Christ, results from our loving Him.  This is NOT to say that we should not obey Him until we feel love for Him.  We expect young children to obey those in authority over them whether or not the child has any feelings of affection for the authority figure.  But, it would seem that, all other things being equal, that loving an authority figure such as a parent, has potentially, a more powerful incentive to obey than merely fear of authoritarian reprisal/punishment for disobedience. If indeed, obedience is the outcome/result of loving Him, then should we not focus more on learning to love Him?  But apart from obedience, what does loving Him look like?

May I suggest that pursuing a close relationship with God is what God is primarily seeking from us.  Our obedience should be the outcome of our increasingly closer relationship with God.  Does a husband want a wife who is ‘obedient’ to him but has zero desire to relate closely with him.  What kind of man is that?  What kind of relationship is that? Is the best parenting outcome, to raise ‘obedient’ children who, as adults have no desire to relate well with their parents? Is that the kind of adult children God is seeking? What exactly is God seeking from us?

Jesus said “But a time is coming and is already here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit [from the heart, the inner self] and in truth; for the Father seeks such people to be His worshipers.” [John 4:23 Amp. version] Surely ‘in truth’ must include honesty within our own heart about both ourselves and our relationship with God.  Certainly, Jesus wants our obedience [‘why do you call Me Lord, Lord but do not do what I say’ -Luke 6:46]. This obedience is not to prop up God’s sagging ego [as if that were happening] but demonstrates God’s kingdom rule on earth among and within His subjects, whose lives are most blessed by the King when they each walk in loving obedience to Him. 

We of course, cannot just wait to obey Him until we have grown to love Him. Such a view would be nonsense. But it appears that focusing on growing in genuine love in our heart for Him is the best foundation for growing in obedience to our loving and good-to-His-core heavenly FatherHe is after our heart-one that is increasingly devoted to Him. He is not, I suggest, satisfied with just our offering Him our ‘mouth and hands and feet’ to do his bidding, i.e. offering Him only obedience.  “This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me” [Isa 29:13].

If you grew up in a home that emphasized obedience to authority, especially parental authority, over and against loving relationships, perhaps as an adult, your faith-walk could be described as an ‘obedience walk’ rather than that of two loving friends [God and you] walking together on the road of life. Jesus did call his closest followers ‘friends’ [John 15:15]. I propose that God is seeking far more from you and me than ‘mere’ obedience, as important as that is.  He desires all of your and my unfettered-to-the-world heart.  This is unlikely to happen if we are not relationally ambitious-taking more initiative to deepen the closeness of our relationship with God, as well as with others who are on the same journey, one that is sometimes a very difficult up and down one, not a ‘one-and-done’ sort of event.

Are you ’ambitious’ in building your relationship with God?

As the psalmist said: “When You said ‘seek My face’, my heart said to You, Your face, O Lord, I shall seek” [Psalm 27:8]



  1. Avatar Murphy Boughner said:

    I loved this! Just like Barbara has commented, the closer I draw to God (spend time being with Him) the more I want to be His ‘bond-servant,’ eager to do whatever He puts in front of me. Obedience then becomes a pleasure and not something I feel I have to force myself to do.

    February 27, 2024
    • Avatar Curt Shacklett said:

      Thank you Murphy for your comment! You have expressed what I believe is the exact response our Heavenly Father wishes to receive from us.

      February 27, 2024
  2. Dave Scott said:

    So good, Curt. I continue to admire the Spirit in you. John 14:15 was the first verse we ever taught our son. We wanted him to obey us not because we were bigger or stronger or faster than him, but because he loves us. When he disobeyed when he was as young as 4 years old, we’d ask, “Do you love us?” His response was always “Yes” & it turned his hearts & ours to the deep well of spiritual reality & away from the puddle of behavior. “We love you, too. So if you love us, what should you do?” “Obey.” We’d hug. He’d obey, smiling, thankful for a pathway back to right relationship & second chances. Still one of the most powerful Gospel examples & lessons we’ve ever discovered.

    February 24, 2024
    • Avatar Curt Shacklett said:

      Great comment Dave! Thanks also for your ‘family’ story about your son. What an endearing comment!

      February 27, 2024
  3. Avatar Barbara Rader said:

    Very thought provoking, Curt. I do know the closer I draw to God the stronger my love and commitment is to Him and the more I want to obey and serve Him. Thank you, Curt!

    February 23, 2024
    • Avatar Curt Shacklett said:

      Yes, it seems the more we grow in our love for our Father, the more we seek to say ‘yes’ to His commands! Thanks for your comment!

      February 27, 2024
  4. Avatar Mona Mange said:

    Great comment, to love is to obey ye Lord. I am not sure which comes first, maybe they come together.

    February 21, 2024
    • Avatar Curt Shacklett said:

      Mona, I agree that perhaps loving God and growing in obedience to Him occur somewhat simultaneously.

      February 22, 2024

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