Changing Masters

The idea that we could be considered a “slave” of someone or something seems absurd to the majority of us living in the ‘free’ world. Such status would seem to only apply to those living in ancient times, or during times of African slavery in America or the British Commonwealth or in those parts of the world perhaps where there is a totalitarian dictatorship in place. But even in those places it is more of a political and/or economic oppression rather than an individual master controlling our individual lives. But the biblical reality is that each of us is a slave of something. The scriptures declare that we are either a slave of sin or of righteousness: “But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness” [Rom 6:17-18]

In a dialogue with some of the Jews who had initially believed in Jesus, but who, at the end of their encounter, were prepared to stone Him, He said: “and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free’. They answered Him, ‘We are Abraham’s descendants and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; how is it that You say, ‘You will become free?’ Jesus answered them , Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin” [John 8: 31-34] The almost laughable irony of their statement that they had never been enslaved to anyone is evident when we recognize that at that very time they were under the control, dominance, and oppression of Rome, and were also slaves to their religious traditions. But Jesus never mentioned those more or less “external” forms of enslavement, instead, He addressed the deeper and far more malignant and malevolent source of our deepest personal enslavement and that is our own sinful thoughts and actions. Becoming a bond-servant or slave of God, apparently includes desiring to be freed from sin and becoming a slave of righteousness. How strong is such a desire in your heart?


  1. Avatar Cuiping said:

    Loved “Becoming a bond-servant or slave of God, apparently includes desiring to be freed from sin and becoming a slave of righteousness. How strong is such a desire in your heart?” especially the question in the end.
    I do admit that sometimes I enjoyed sinning, like being self-righteous in trying to fix other people when in fact it is God’s job. It may make me feel good for a moment but the follow-up disappointments often made me feel worse about everything. To restore the joy in Christ and to have in me is my strongest desire now; nothing else can come ahead of that!

    September 5, 2020
    • Avatar Curt Shacklett said:

      Thank you Cuiping for your comment. Becoming a “voluntary” slave of Christ is my life goal. My being totally absorbed in seeking and serving Him will fully occupy me the rest of my days!

      September 6, 2020

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