In his first letter to the church at Corinth, Paul says: “When I was a child I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a…
Author: <span>His Bondservant</span>
In Mark’s gospel chapter 4 verses 1-20 Jesus tells the very famous parable of the sower and soils. Regarding the seed that fell in the rocky soil, He says that…
In Paul’s letter to the church at Rome he sets forth in chapter 12 a list of components of behavior and attitudes that should symbolize the character of a Christ…
Do you act primarily based on your principled beliefs/convictions OR is your behavior primarily an expression of your character? In Jesus day, the Pharisees were keen on keeping the “rules”,…
The writer to the letter to the Hebrews says: “….let us also lay aside every encumbrance [or weight] and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run…
In Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth he says this: “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run but only one receives the prize?…
In Romans 12:11, the Apostle Paul says: “Not lagging behind in diligence [but] fervent in spirit, serving the Lord“. Maintaining wisdom-guided zeal for God, His person and purposes, is sometimes…
Memories. Sometimes they are a source of great joy, thankfulness, satisfaction, even pride. Other times a source of regret, grief, anguish, and sorrow upon sorrow. As you look in the…
“What a scandalous, even ridiculous idea”, the skeptic would say. “God is transcendent, far above His created universe to ever be considered to have willingly condescended to assume the role…
In my last blog post I attempted to show that part of our calling as Christ’s slave is to be “on-loan” to other persons, to serve them. And serving them…
A bondservant of Christ is continuing to learn how to abandon and even avoid seeking and living for the praise and recognition of others, but to instead focus on living…
One of the difficulties most of us have growing up and functioning as adult Christ-followers, is how to avoid our emotions from controlling our life decisions, even sometimes the small…