In my prior post I focused primarily on the toxic effect of resentment toward God. That kind of resentment has, I suggest, zero effect on manipulating God into changing how…
Author: <span>His Bondservant</span>
PART ONE I begin this post with the conviction that resentment [‘bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly’] is one of the most damaging mental mindsets that we can experience.…
About two weeks ago I stopped at a local gas station to fill up. As I opened my car door, I heard a woman’s voice shout ‘sir, sir!’. I looked…
Last summer my wife and I along with some friends visited the Vasa Museum in Stockholm Sweden. The Vasa was a remarkable and elaborate wooden gun ship constructed by order…
The New Testament book of Acts, in chapter 26, recounts the Apostle Paul’s appearance before King Agrippa. Paul had been arrested in Jerusalem by Roman soldiers due to a riot…
In Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome he says this: “For we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with…
In My Life The dictionary defines ‘nominal’ [as in a ‘nominal Christian’] as an adjective to mean ‘in name only’ i.e. no substance or reality behind the word itself. Thus,…
“Aging,” i.e. the process of growing old, can be, and often is, accompanied by a host of negative as well as positive issues. One very significant positive issue is freedom. …
When we observe a tantrum-gripped child, depending on their age, we might conclude that he/she is ‘spoiled’. A parent might plead with a grandparent to avoid ‘overly indulging my child,…
The two ‘great’ biblical commandments involve relationships with persons: love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. [Matt 22:36-40]. Seeking, developing, and sustaining…
IS OBEDIENCE EVIDENCE OF OUR LOVE FOR GOD? DOES IT EVEN MATTER? In John 14:21 Jesus says: “He who has my commandments and keeps [obeys] them is the one who…
‘I know whom I have believed’ It seems we are just born with a sense of insecurity. As infants we may need our pacifier, special blanket, and as we grow…