His Bondservant Posts

When we observe a tantrum-gripped child, depending on their age, we might conclude that he/she is ‘spoiled’.  A parent might plead with a grandparent to avoid ‘overly indulging my child,…


The two ‘great’ biblical commandments involve relationships with persons: love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. [Matt 22:36-40]. Seeking, developing, and sustaining…



‘I know whom I have believed’ It seems we are just born with a sense of insecurity.  As infants we may need our pacifier, special blanket, and as we grow…


Jesus said: “A pupil is not above his teacher, but everyone, after he has been fully trained will be like his teacher” [Luke 6:40].  In the New Testament sense, being…


“Therefore, be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming” Matt 24:42 On several occasions, Jesus addresses His return to earth [e.g., Matt 25:31-34]…


Are yours the same as His? The scriptures urge us to have the ‘mind’ of Christ within us [Phil 2:5 KJV]. Alternate translations for ‘mind’ use the word ‘attitude’ [e.g.,…


John Maxwell is a prolific writer on issues related to leadership.  I heard him once say at a conference: “Leaders see sooner and further than others.” Some might call this…


The writer to the New Testament letter to the Hebrews offers these encouraging words: “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one…


Most of us find some measure of security in living in familiar surroundings with familiar daily routines with familiar relationships. Change of whatever kind seems to bring about within us…
