His Bondservant Posts



“Aging,” i.e.  the process of growing old, can be, and often is, accompanied by a host of negative as well as positive issues.  One very significant positive issue is freedom. …


When we observe a tantrum-gripped child, depending on their age, we might conclude that he/she is ‘spoiled’.  A parent might plead with a grandparent to avoid ‘overly indulging my child,…


The two ‘great’ biblical commandments involve relationships with persons: love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. [Matt 22:36-40]. Seeking, developing, and sustaining…



‘I know whom I have believed’ It seems we are just born with a sense of insecurity.  As infants we may need our pacifier, special blanket, and as we grow…


Jesus said: “A pupil is not above his teacher, but everyone, after he has been fully trained will be like his teacher” [Luke 6:40].  In the New Testament sense, being…


“Therefore, be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming” Matt 24:42 On several occasions, Jesus addresses His return to earth [e.g., Matt 25:31-34]…


Are yours the same as His? The scriptures urge us to have the ‘mind’ of Christ within us [Phil 2:5 KJV]. Alternate translations for ‘mind’ use the word ‘attitude’ [e.g.,…
